Gracias Store

Gracias IT

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Returns Policies

return policy 30 days.

Shipping Policies

1. Shipping rates & costs
Displaying shipping costs gives your customers a chance to review and calculate their total costs before they shop around. Showcasing shipping costs becomes even more important for international customers who may not qualify for certain offers such as free shipping. Many times, international shipping charges vary between retailers significantly due to an increase in carrier charges as well, so you’ll want to be as transparent as possible.

2. Shipping methods and delivery times
Whether you offer one or several shipping methods, list out the different methods and the expected business day estimated delivery times for each.

Many times this is shown using a simple table format with one column displaying the different methods such as standard shipping or express shipping and another one with expected processing time frames.

3. Shipping restrictions
If you have any shipping restrictions, such as shipping to certain countries or PO boxes, you will want to display them here. Sometimes, state legislation may prevent some products from being shipped to certain locations. Be very clear on what restrictions exist and who is impacted by them.

4. Missing or lost packages
There are several reasons why a package gets lost or becomes a delivery exception, and most of the times it is out of your control. But directing customers on what to do if a package goes missing creates peace of mind. You can do this by easily displaying contact information and directions on how to report missing or lost packages.

5. International shipping
If you offer international shipping, you will want to include a statement on who is responsible for customs and import duties. Showcase your international shipping policy by communicating which carrier handles your international shipments and who takes care of international taxes, charges, and any additional fees.

6. Return and exchange information
If your customers are about to make an order, they are likely interested in how your store manages returns and exchanges. Many online stores display a return and exchange policy on the same page as the shipping policy. It provides details such as how long it takes to process a return and when customers can expect a full refund according to the refund policy.

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product price
very good quality of products..
2021-07-15 13:11:06 By john doe
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product price
your products price is less than other seller.
2021-07-15 13:12:51 By krish harn
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